What clients are saying...

"I have been blessed to be able to work with Margo as my life coach. She is very supportive and seemingly a master at providing a paradigm shift just when needed. Always a caring listener; she then coaches by re-framing challenges in a completely different light by examining my language and self-talk. Her single goal was my moving a pace that I could handle. The experience has been excellent and I can only recommend her as a skilled and engaging coach."

– Brett Leppan


"When I first started my sessions with Margo, I was worried, anxious, and fretful. I wasn't even completely sure what it was I was worried about, but Margo's coaching allowed me to get clear on what the real problem was. Then she helped me to see that the only thing that was standing between me, and what I wanted to achieve, were my thoughts and my fear. I felt safe and heard in every session but also challenged to dig deep inside, to find and use my own innate courage and strength to help myself. I think what I enjoyed most about our sessions was Margo's ability to make me laugh even when we were talking about something uncomfortable. She brought lightness and joy to every session. I can't recommend her highly enough! She helped me to put my negative thinking and fear aside and really go after what I wanted. I have made huge strides towards my ultimate goal and with Margo's help it's been a much more peaceful and empowered process. Thanks Margo!

– Jude Temple


"Margo is a fantastic life coach! While not directly giving you the answers to your problems, she asks you the right questions to help you tackle the problem at hand. She is very pleasant and easy to talk to, and demonstrates consistency and professionalism in her practice. While being serious during the conversation, Margo has a great sense of humour. She is passionate about her clients and shows dedication and commitment. Margo uses different approaches to help you view an issue through different perspectives. She also has great suggestions for books and articles to read and videos to watch. I highly recommend Margo as a life coach. She is great!!"

– Y.C.


"I started working with Margo when I was at a point in my life that I was feeling lost as a result of being raised by a narcissistic mother. Although I have done counseling for many years but Margo helped me to change fundamentally in the way that I look at the world. I could come over the challenges of making decisions by using the techniques that Margo taught me. The most important and above all I learned how to be in touch with my feelings and how to be gentle to myself."

– N.Z.


"I decided I needed to make a change in my life. I wasn’t happy,  childhood issues were surfacing, my two year relationship had broken down and to top it off I was premenopausal. The first meeting with Margo I had a new view on my life and I realized I had to take responsibility for my choices. She introduced me to “the work” I became self aware that I was blaming others for my unhappiness instead of looking deep inside to see why I wasn’t happy. I didn’t have to live as victim and start loving and respecting myself. I was afraid of being alone and was in a relationship that wasn’t healthy for me but didn’t want to admit it. Margo gave me tools to keep me focused on the “present” and taking everyday hour by hour. She always had great homework activities that were helpful and exciting to do. Personal growth is very rewarding. As different situations arose Margo had new creative ideas to view and move through the situation. I would highly recommend Margo as a personal coach for anyone who is ready to make a shift in your life and start living your best life."

- Leanne M


"When I met Margo and she shared with me her passion and career, I was intrigued but, cautious. I had never heard of coaching apart from something celebrities engaged in. I took a chance on it and I have never looked back. I could see the everyday benefits from her guidance I was learning how to communicate better with my spouse, my daughter, my boss and most importantly myself. I was learning how to care for myself in the most simplistic of ways again. I have always thought of myself as a very self aware person but, with Margo I see myself and find answers that I never could have imagined doing on my own. She has introduced me to my “Mean Girls” and continues to work with me to see them for what they are, accept the roles they play and know that I can give them control and I can also take it away. For many years I have struggled with anxiety I started to assume that it was something I would always have every day, I don't see my future that way anymore. Margo is kind, intuitive, compassionate and you can feel the passion she has for coaching every time you speak with her. As a busy mom it can be hard to find time to fit in the sessions but, Margo’s flexible schedule allows for me to make that time for myself.

Depression is a dark room, anxiety is the door, find someone who can hold the door while you fight the darkness inside. It won't happen in a day, week or maybe even a year but, eventually when you look up you will see you are now opening and closing it on your own."

 - Raelynn Lupu


I have known Margo for a long time.  When it came to the time I was going through a major life crisis, I knew it was fate that I knew her.   It was an easy decision for me to consult her with what I was going through at the time.  I haven’t regretted my decision.  She is a wonderful human being with knowledge and life experience and has a way of getting the most out of me.  Questions I have had have all been met with questions back which I mostly have known the answers to.  The ones I have not known, I am not made to feel bad about myself.  She carefully points me in the right direction for the answers with kindness, compassion, and integrity.  I do not know where I would be at this point in my crisis if I had not started my journey and work with her.  From my teachings, I know not to focus on that answer, and to focus on myself and the journey that I have chosen for myself.   She has my undivided attention when I have my weekly coaching calls, and I am able to speak freely.  I love how she stops me if I embark on too much negative self-talk.  I would recommend her services to anyone who is in need of some self-love, self-care, or are just in a bad spot at any stage in their life.  She has been the best thing for me and I am very thankful for this continued experience. 

 - Scott R


Thank you so much for coaching and guiding me through my depression and anxiety. The tools and actions allowed me the opportunity to rewrite my inner dialogue. I feel like a new person.

Your professional experience, kind and compassionate heart, and wisdom to ask all the right questions lead me through forgiveness and into acceptance to heal and discover my true essence.

I am empowered and committed to love, honour and respect me ~to continue my practice of self-care and self-love to nourish me.

You have been a beacon of light and I feel so grateful for your time and love.

Forever thankful.

-Shannon S

Margo, you helped me take, or bushwhack, the path to self-love, self-compassion and self-forgiveness. When I started out with you, I was overwhelmed with feelings of guilt, shame, and anxiety. I looked forward to my weekly sessions with you. I felt safe and supported, which is not easy for me to do. Not only that, but you helped me rediscover my artistic flare, something I had long forgotten. You helped me realize the Queen that I truly am, and how to keep that crown on top of my head when it feels like it starts to slip. I can’t thank you enough for walking side by side with me over these last six months. I am forever grateful for your genuine compassion, commitment, kindness and integrity.

Thank you.

-Maria B

There’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.
— Susan Cain